Friday 19 August 2016

Maths Week parents evening

Here is a picture of Levi and Mitchell challenging Levi's Mum on Mrs O'Hanlons times table challenge. We wonder who won....

Maths Week homework challenge

This week is maths week! We have been doing lots of exciting maths activities in class this week. We also had a homework challenge to create a maths poster or a maths resource to use in our classroom. Here is some of the fantastic work from our class members!

Buddy Readers

Lots of children in our class do buddy reading with some of the junior children. Mrs Rennie-Younger came in to share their assessment data with us. We can see that the kids have made a big improvement with our help. We are so proud of ourselves and love the opportunity to develop our leadership skills by working with the juniors.

Thursday 18 August 2016

ASB Financial Literacy

To help us celebrate maths week, we had a lady from ASB Bank come in to our classroom to teach us about financial literacy. We learnt about the difference of saving money in a money box and in a bank. You can earn more money by putting your money in a bank because you earn interest. The more money you have, the more interest you earn. We also discussed jobs that children our age can do around the neighbourhood to earn a few dollars. Some ideas were: put out people's rubbish, wash cars, walk dogs, hold a garage sale or do a lemonade stall. We learnt lots of valuable tips and tricks.

Friday 12 August 2016

Art with Miss Baik

We have a student teacher called Miss Baik. She is working with us on an art project related to the Olympic Games. We had to pick a different sport, draw a picture of an athlete 'in action', create an action shot of the athlete using tin foil and glue the tin foil athlete onto a piece of cardboard. The next step will be to take our athletes out into the sunshine and draw the athlete's shadow behind it. We think they will look super cool when they are finished!

Monday 8 August 2016

Brain Education

We had some neuroscientists come and visit us at school today and they brought in some real brains for us to look at and hold (if we wanted to). There was a human, cat, rat and monkey brain. They were really hard, squishy and slimy!

Friday 5 August 2016

Northcote Intermediate Showcase

All the Year 6 children caught the bus to Northcote Intermediate for the afternoon. The Northcote students put on a performance to showcase some of the different groups that they offer at their school - like drumming, dance, Kapa Haka and rock bands. It was fantastic to see all of the performers.