Friday 29 July 2016

Animal Silhouette art work

We created the following animal silhouettes based on our Animalia topic. Can you work out which animals belong to which habitat? The rest are on our classroom wall - come in and check them out!

Unexpected Hail by Samantha

Hail by James

Hail by Mitchell

Hail storm Photos

Hail by Paulo

Hail BOOM,CRASH,BANG I looked outside and I saw lots of hail falling from the sky. I saw lots of different shapes in my hand some were balls and some were weird bumpy shapes. The fitness trail was covered with hail. There were rain puddles and also muddy puddles too. It was cool seeing hail. I felt scared and cold because the wind was howling like a ghost. It will be awesome if it hailed again. By Paulo

Hail by Yuri

More Hail storm pictures

Friday 22 July 2016

Māori Language Week

Māori Language Week took place during the last week of Term 2. This was a chance for us to celebrate Māori Language, which is one of the official languages of New Zealand. On the last day of the term, we got into our vertical groups (mixed with children from Year 1 - Year 6) and we all went off with a different teacher to carry out an activity to promote Māori Language. Here are some photos of some of the activities that we did:

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Axollotls - by Anthony

Endangered animals: The white rhino by Te Awerangi

Endangered animals: Eastern Lowland Gorilla by Baileigh

Endangered animals: The White Rhino - by Jacqueline

Facts about Pandas - by Ahlianah

Some of our Star Writers


Our term 2 topic was Animalia that meant all the things we did daily like reading and writing were based on animals. We also did some fun activities that we don't normally do like biome presentations and animal descriptions. Later in the term we went on a zoo trip because it related to our Animalia topic. Sadly our Animalia topic has finally ended and has to give way to a new topic! By Anthony

Our Student Teacher - Mrs Gosling

This term we had Mrs Gosling as a student Teacher for 5 weeks. She was an awesome student teacher and we learnt a lot from her. Mrs Gosling even gave us free dojo time so we could spend some fun time with her on her last day. All of us enjoyed our free time. Some people chose to play sports outside. They played dodgeball, basketball and netball. The rest of us decided to watch a movie but sadly the network didn’t work so well so we got to play anything we wanted such as a board game or drawing! Mrs Gosling also made a game called Kahoot that we played every Friday. Room 11 learnt some interesting facts about Matariki, animals and writing stories. We loved spending time with Mrs Gosling! By Jacqueline

Drive Time Projects

At the start of Term 2, we started an activity called Drive Time. Drive Time is a topic when you pick a task that you want to learn. Every Friday we work on our task and keep working on it for a Term or more. You could make things like go-karts, sewing, board games, or a diorama. First we had to plan what we wanted to make and draw a diagram. Then the next week we started to build and make the project. We have to problem-solve and come up with new ideas as we go. When we finish the project we take a photo and tell the class about what our group did for Drive Time. Written By Pia

Tuesday 5 July 2016


This term in maths we have learnt a lot about statistics with Mrs Gosling. She made a fun challenge for us to have some ‘dojo time’ on her last day with us. First of all we got our statistical investigation booklet and did a few pages to learn about statistics. The next day we came up with some ideas that we could do for our dojo time. We did a tally chart and tallied Room 10’s data and our class data. After that we did our conclusion and waited until the next day. It was Friday we were all planned out, and it was chosen that we were going to do sport and a movie. So we wrote on the board which one we wanted to do, after morning tea we all saw that sport won by 1 point so the people who chose sport went to do dodgeball and the people who wanted to watch the movie stayed inside. It was the best day ever! By Nuri

World's Worst Children - Character Descriptions