Tuesday 31 May 2016

Deep Sea Biome Inquiry by Anthony, James and Tipene

Taiga Biome Inquiry by Hiba, Jacqueline, Zoe and Tara

Deciduous Forest Biome Inquiry by Mitchell, William and Daniel

Coral Reef Biome Inquiry by Paulo, Seongwon and Michael

Temperate Rainforest by Ethan and Cruz

Tundra Biome Inquiry by Ahlianah, Miyu and Kacey

Desert Biome Inquiry by Maia, Te Awerangi and Yea Won

Tropical Rainforest by Baileigh, Samantha and Pia

Grasslands Biome Inquiry by Nuri, Zavier and Allan

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Bowl Art

Last term Room 11 made their own shiny colorful bowls. All of our bowls look outstanding. We made these awesome bowls with Mrs smith. Making bowls was very fun but you must do lots of paper mache and get your hands messy. The most popular fruit was watermelon. We used lots of cool colours. We love spending time on art in Room 11. By Michael

Book Sharing & Milo

At the end of last term, we brought our favourite book to school to share with the class. We were very lucky because our teacher made us each a cup of milo to drink while we shared our ideas. It was a great way to see some new books and learn what everyone is interested in.


This term for our PE lessons, we are learning hockey. We had a coach called Stephen from MSports come in to teach us some skills like how to hold a hockey stick, how to dribble and pass the ball to each other and how to stop the ball. We played lots of fun games like rob the nest and a 5 on 5 game of hockey. Here are some photos of our lesson.

ANZAC Day Home learning Challenge

In the holidays, we had a public holiday for ANZAC Day. This is a special day to remember all of the soldiers that fought for our country. For our holiday home learning, we were asked to create a diorama to represent something related to ANZAC Day. Here are some of the fantastic projects completed by Jacqueline, Samantha, Maia and Pia - aren't they fantastic?

Miss Baik

Miss Baik is our student teacher. She comes and helps us with our learning on Tuesday's. Here are some photos of her teaching the square group some work to do with fractions.

Monday 9 May 2016

Maths Problem Solving cards

Every week, for maths, we work on some maths problem solving questions. Miss Bateman shares the question with us, we discuss the question and what we need to do, then we go about solving the problem. Some people draw lots of pictures and diagrams to share their thinking, others like to use maths equipment and others like to solve the problems in their heads. Here are some pictures of us being super problem solvers.